Addon functionality

AddOns are built on top of the existing hybris Commerce Suite to extend the functionality of the hybris Commerce Accelerator. AddOns are a type of extension that allow you to add front-end files (such .jsp, .html, .css, and javascript files, as well as images) from within your own AddOn, instead of modifying the storefront front-end files directly.

AddOn Creation

Flow the below link:

After addon creation

copy the all files and folders ( )

in this path

/hybris/bin/custom/org/customstorefront/web/webroot/_ui TO customaddon/acceleratoraddon/web/webroot/_ui

/hybris/bin/custom/org/customstorefront/web/webroot/WEB-INF TO customaddon /acceleratoraddon/web/webroot/WEB-INF

Dependency add on Storefront

add the addon extention as a required extention in the extensioninfo.xml of storefront extension file.

Installing an AddOn for a Specific Storefront ( )

ant addoninstall -Daddonnames=”AddOnName1,AddOnName2″ -DaddonStorefront.=”Storefront1,Storefront2″

ex: ant addoninstall -Daddonnames=”customaddon” -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront=”customstorefront”

now whatever changes done on the addon it will refelt to our storefront.

Flow this trail to do changes on addon

Configuration to be done to install the addon by hybris itself to a particular storefront (with out running the addoninstall command):

Change the Below line in your addon’s file :






Add your addon as requires-extension in your storefront extension’s extentioninfo.xml file:

<requires-extension name=”<youraddonname>”/>

 Now, when we run ant all command your addon will be installed to your storefront.