Azure DevOps :1

DevOps Classroom Series – 06/Mar/2021

What is Azure DevOps

  • Azure Devops server (formerly Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team System (VSTS)) is a Microsoft product that provides version control, reporting , requirements management, project managament , automated builds, testing and release management capabilities
  • This covers the entire application lifecycle and enables DevOps capabilities.
  • Azure DevOps is offered as
    • Azure DevOps Services:
      • This is a hosted solution on microsoft azure
    • Azure DevOps Server:
      • This is a installation that can be done on the on-premisies Refer Here
  • Azure DevOps has the application lifecycle defined as shown below Preview
  • During the Plan phase, teams use Backlogs or Kanban boards to define, track & layout the work that needs to be done for Application in Azure Boards. We also create a SCM system that can be GitHub or Azure Git Repos
  • During the Development Phase, we create Azure Pipelines to create automated builds from the source code. We can use visual studio code to create pipelines for building the code
  • During the deliver phase, we deploy applications and services to the target environments. We use terraform or ARM templates to create infrastructure
  • During the operate phase, we implement montoring for applications and services
  • For Creating an Azure DevOps Service environment Refer Here Preview
  • Create a new project in Azure DevOps Preview

Understanding Azure DevOps Services

  • The following are the different Azure DevOps Services
    • Azure Boards:
      • They are used to plan, track and discuss work across teams using Agile planning tools that are available
      • Teams can manage their software project with native support for Scrum and Kanban
      • You can alos create customizable dashboards Preview
    • Azure Repos
      • They support Git repository hosting and also Team foundation server version control. Preview
    • Azure Pipelines
      • We can azure pipelines to automatically build, test and deploy code and make it avalilable for other targets Preview
    • Azure Test Plans:
      • With Azure Test plans, teams can use the features offered to plan manual test, explorartory tests and user acceptance testng and gathering feedback from stack holders
      • Tests are organized as test plans and test suites by tester and team leads Preview
    • Azure Artifacts:
      • With Azure Artifacts, we can create and share Nuget, npm, Python and Maven packages from public and private sources with teams in Azure DevOps
    • Extension Marketplace

Azure Git Repos

  • Exercise: Create a new project in Azure Devops and create a new repository and add gameoflife source code into the Newly added repository.
  • I want all the commits of master branch from github Refer Here into Azure DevOps Git repo

Azure Pipelines

  • Azure pipeline is a cloud service offered by Azure platform to automate building, testing and releasing phases fo your development cycle (ci/cd)
  • Azure pipelines works with the following schema Preview
  • To use Azure pipelines, we need to create a pipeline. A pipeline in Azure DevOps can be created in two ways
    • Using the classic interface
    • Using a YAML
  • In Jenkins to define the pipeline we created a Jenkinsfile where we had option to create a scripted pipeline or declarative pipeline
  • In the case of Azure devops we create a azure-pipelines.yml file to define the pipeline
  • Refer Here for the azure pipeline yaml schema
  • Azure pipeline can be represented as Preview
  • A pipeline starts from a trigger ( a manual , a push inside repository or schedule)
  • Pipeline is generally composed of one or more stages
  • Each stage contains one or more jobs
  • Each job runs on a Agent and it has steps.
  • Each step is composed of task that performs some action.
  • the final output of the pipeline is an artifact

Build agents

  • To build and deploy code using Azure Pipelines, we need atleast one agent.
  • Agent is a service that runs the jobs defined in pipeline.
  • Execution of these jobs occur directly on agent’s host machine
  • When defining agents for the pipeline, we have two possible agents
    • Microsoft-hosted agents: This is a service managed by Microsoft and its cleared on every execution of pipeline
    • Self-hosted agents: This is a service which you setup and manage yourself. This can be a custom vm on Azure or on-premise. In the self-hosted agent you need the install the necessary softwares to perform builds. A self-hosted agent can be a windows, linux , mac or Docker container
  • Microsoft Hosted Agents:
    • Refer Here for the agent pool images and labels that can be used to build the project Preview
  • Lets create a sample pipeline by clicking on setup build and selecting maven Preview Preview
  • Now if we review the azure-pipelines.yaml file created Preview

Next Steps

  • JSON and YAML Tutorial Refer Here
  • Create a pipeline for .net builds by authoring yaml files
  • Create a pipeline for java builds by authoring yaml files
  • configure self hosted agents.