Chef :8

DevOps Classroom Series – 19/Jan/2021

Test Kitchen

  • This is used to automatically test cookbooks across any platformas and test suites
  • Test kitchen has drivers which determine where the test executions can happen Preview
  • All of this is configured in kitchen.yaml file in cookbook Preview
  • Now lets understand kitchen.yaml syntax Refer Here
  • Lets create a cookbook called as kitchendemo Preview
  • Lets launch visual studio code and navigate to kitchen.yaml Preview
  • Refer Here for the changeset
  • Provisioner is which is used to execute the cookbook and behave like a chef server.
  • The default provisioner is ChefZero. This is a simple inmemory ChefServer. The other provisioner option which you can used to run cookbooks is Chef Solo.
  • Both Chef Solo and Chef Zero can work on one machine (chefserver and chef node is on same machine)
  • Chef Zero is lightweight suitable for testing
  • Chef Solo is opensource version of chef-client that allows using cookbooks with nodes without requiring access to chef server
  • In chef cookbook we can write unit test cases and inspec is a test harness tool
  • For official documentation of test kitchen Refer Here
  • Refer Here for getting started guide of test kitchen
  • Refer Here for the ec2 configuration used