Spoofing of IP address(Public) and MAC Address:

Try to change or mask the source IP with the help of an intermediate proxy address or mac address to a different location/address

  1. Spoofing of public IP address :
    i. Manual Method
    ii. Automated Method (VPN)

i. Web based Proxies (Free resources which are acting as proxies) –> search for ‘web based proxy’ in google
ii. Using a manual proxy setting in the browser of a Russian IP. By default always search for port no 8080 or 3128
search for ‘free russian proxy’ in google


MAC Address:

  1. Permanent address assigned by the manufacturer
  2. It is a hexadecimal address (A-F, 0-9)
  3. It is a 48 bit address
  4. It contains 6 portions each seperated by a (-) or (:)
    Ex: 0A:1B:2C:3D:4E:5F 00001010:00011011:00101100

The first 3 portions are known as the vendor specific portion
The last 3 portions are known as the host specific portion

To check the mac in windows : ipconfig /all
In Linux : ifconfig

MAC Spoofing steps

For Windows:

For older OS’s

  1. Run–> ncpa.cpl –> Select the interface –> RC –> Properties –> Configure –> Advanced –> Locally Administered Address.

For the Latest OS’s
3rd party tools suchas SMAC, TMAC

For Linux OS:

Macchanger tool is used

  1. macchanger -r eth0 Sets a random mac for the ethernet interface
  2. macchanger -m XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX eth0 Sets the specifed mac for the eth interface
  3. macchanger -p eth0 Sets back the original mac for the ethernet interface

CAM table : arp -a

Creating root user login in latest kali:

  1. sudo apt install kali-root-login
  2. sudo passwd
  3. Type the same pass again
  4. su root
  5. Give the root password