Docker :5

DevOps Classroom Series – 20/Mar/2021

Lets understand how docker works

  • Refer Here
  • In the below example i have create one container and this container is running Preview
  • What exactly is happening under the hood Preview
  • Before we understand what is happening lets do some experiments
    • Lets execute top on the vm where docker is installed Preview
    • Now lets examine the storage in the vm where docker is installed (host) Preview
    • On the machine we have cpu, ram and storage and the operating system is creating processes to run applications
    • Let me create a alpine container and log in to the container Preview Preview Preview Preview Preview
    • Inside the container we have cpu, ram, process tree, disks and we have network
  • We are referring to the containers as isolations. These isolations recieve
    • an disk storage with os
    • network interface to connect to network
    • cpu
    • ram
  • In linux these isolations are created by a feature of linux kernel which is called as Namespaces & the Resource Limits is applied to isolation using a feature called as control groups
  • Docker has made it simple to create isolations and applying resource limits
  • In linux we have different namespaces
    • pID namespace (process namespace)
    • net namespace
    • mount namespace
  • The resources are applied to your system using control groups Preview

Lets try to understand docker architecture and how the container is created in docker.

  • Docker Engine is the core software that runs and manages containers
  • When docker was first released docker engine had two major components
    • Docker daemon:
      • It had all the code for the docker client, docker api and runtime, image builds etc.
    • LXC: provided the docker daemon with access to fundamental building blocks of container like namespaces and control groups Preview
  • LXC is linux-specific, which was from linux opensource project. Whenever there was a new release of linux kernel and changes in the lxc would impact docker containers
  • Docker Inc. developed their own tool called as libcontainer as a replacement for LXC.
  • Docker has become huge success and docker had started adding lot of features, These features made docker fat
  • During this time frame a company called as CoreOS (acquired by RedHat acquired by IBM) didn’t like the way docker did certain things, so they created a open standard called as appc. The implentation of this spec called as rkt (rocket)
  • Docker has started working with many organizations to build OCI (open container initiative)
  • OCI published two specifications (standards)
    • the image-spec
    • the runtime-spec

Docker architecture:

  • docker as a technology relies on three things
    • The runtime:
      • This works at lowest level and is responsible for starting,stopping, creating containers which means this speaks with os constructs such as namespaces and cgroups
      • The low level runtime is called as runc (This is reference implementation of OCI runtime-spec). Job of runc is to interface with underlying OS and to start and stop containers. Every running container on a docker has a runc instance managing it
      • The higher-level runtime is called as containerd and this manages the lifecycle of container including pulling images, creating network interfaces and managing run-c
      • In Typical docker installation has a single containerd process and runc instances are associated with each container.
    • The daemon (engine)
      • The docker daemon (dockerd) sits above containerd and performs higer level tasks such as exposing Docker remote API, managing images, managing volumes, managing networks etc
    • The orchestrator
      • When we want to create a cluster of nodes running Docker, then this Orchestrator comes into play Preview